Freelance or Staff
There is not any doubt a staff writer enjoys advantages not availed by the freelancer. However, you can find benefits open to the freelancer a staff writer can't ever expect.
A staffer must produce and on a regular basis due to frequent, even daily, deadlines. Because of this the staffer learns a number of things: how exactly to organize time, how exactly to write under great pressure, how exactly to write quickly, how exactly to plan the writing (or even in some recoverable format, then mentally), and how exactly to meet deadlines. Perhaps this results in the increased loss of creativity and inspiration, nonetheless it usually produces better mechanics of writing--better syntax, syntax, vocabulary, punctuation, and spelling.
The freelancer, however, enjoys the freedom of choosing enough time to write, this issue or theme to create about, and the refinement of language and expression. The negative side of this is that the writer should be an editor and proofreader and must contain the discipline to sit at the desk and write which, needless to say, sounds so simple, but that is, in effect, probably the most difficult responsibility of the freelancer.
Thus, it becomes the writer's obligation to find the sort of writer to be. Without doubt, freelance writing attracts most, nonetheless it isn't always the wisest choice. One's character, personality, and dedication enter into play. If one is individualistic, in a position to work alone, and inspired, then your freelance route is just about the way to follow. If one is uncertain, needs association, and direction, a staff position is most likely an improved choice.
Choosing correctly can lead to the best satisfaction and happiness.