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Tag: career

Articles tagged as Career


Posted on February 25, 2024 by Franklyn Helfinstine
Self-examination sheds light on a writers motives, goals, and aspirations, while self indulgence hide the most obvious and absorbs any illumination before it occurs.When a writer exams his motives, goals, and aspirations, he opens up new viewpoints because she or he sees other avenues to writing; possibly the short story writer can easily see a novel develop from the theme of a brief story, or articles to clarify that subject material...

The Self-indulgent Writier

Posted on September 18, 2023 by Franklyn Helfinstine
A writer can't ever be self indulgent whether writing fiction, non-fiction, or poetry.If one writes and then please one's self, the probability of publication becomes remote.Editors and agents can be aware of this author quickly and dismiss such writing with a short rejection slip.Although self-gratification is definitely part of one's writing, it will not function as most crucial motive for writing...