Tag: personal
Articles tagged as Personal
Trying Too Hard
Posted on February 16, 2024 by
Franklyn Helfinstine
If you dread the very thought of writing, in the event that you fear your desk, and when you hate your personal computer, then you try too much.If the idea of writing enables you to feel guilty, makes your heartbeat quicker, and enables you to sweat, you then are trying too much.Your writing has turned into a burden that inhibits your creativity, your thinking, as well as your production.This, needless to say, results in writer's block, the scourge of most writers...
The Practice of Writing
Posted on January 20, 2023 by
Franklyn Helfinstine
What should be practiced? If one is to become a successful writer the other must be in a position to practice good grammar.To be able to practice good grammar, a writer got to know the guidelines of good grammar and for that reason must study the guidelines of good grammar.Most editors reject quickly those writers who have no idea how exactly to construct an effective sentence with at the very least a topic and predicate...
The Iniquitous Slip
Posted on December 28, 2022 by
Franklyn Helfinstine
Rejection slips will be the bane of most writers, yet they're inevitable.Probably the most successful of writers had their share of these, and even have them now that they're prosperous.Although rejections are inescapable, they ought to not be looked at maleficent; they must be considered helpful.Though when first received, they may be disheartening, they must be contemplated as a very important learning experience...