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Tag: spelling

Articles tagged as Spelling

Important Points of Fiction

Posted on March 3, 2024 by Franklyn Helfinstine
Fiction manuscripts receive feedback that addresses and scores:The theme of the bookCharacter development and depthPlot and story line resolutionPace and setting of the storyThe effective usage of dialogThe appropriateness of the tense and point of viewHow compelling the book will undoubtedly be in the marketplaceSpelling, grammar, punctuation and many more!The theme or premise of a novel is essential since it sets the stage for the characters, the setting, the plot, the conflict, and the climax...

Writing Requires Self-Control

Posted on September 26, 2023 by Franklyn Helfinstine
The only solution to turn into a writer would be to write.That will require a lot of self-control and dedication, not merely writing once the urge is upon you, but even though it isn't.That will require seeing what flow onto the blank page or screen.Force you to ultimately sit at your desk or before your personal computer screen and write something, anything before ideas commence to flow, and flow they'll...

The Blank Mind

Posted on April 15, 2023 by Franklyn Helfinstine
Many writers stare at the blank page or clean screen and await inspiration with a sense of hopelessness.That white page or screen is definitely challenging to fill, also it probably will continually be for some writers.Writing is fatiguing work since it is the way to obtain great stress, great concentration, great thought, and an excellent expenditure of energy--mental, emotional, and physical.Writing is stressful since it requires the writer to keep yourself updated that others will read what one writes and therefore pass judgment onto it...