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Posted on August 25, 2024 by Franklyn Helfinstine

Self-examination sheds light on a writers motives, goals, and aspirations, while self indulgence hide the most obvious and absorbs any illumination before it occurs.

When a writer exams his motives, goals, and aspirations, he opens up new viewpoints because she or he sees other avenues to writing; possibly the short story writer can easily see a novel develop from the theme of a brief story, or articles to clarify that subject material. Poetry might follow from the passion and fervor of the story. On the other hand the reverse you can do; the poet sees a brief story or perhaps a novel from the poem. The options are unlimited if the writer examines honestly his purpose, his objective, and his motivation. May be the purpose financial, fame, or personal satisfaction? With this particular clarity, comes the power to pursue writing with an increase of vigor and enthusiasm, with an increase of diversity and a broader outlook, sufficient reason for more devotion and direction.

Once a writer examines the reason behind writing, then your direction becomes clearer and much more aware. If the writer is more worried about the financial aspect then your pursuit becomes more focused; one writer will select a writing career between freelance and employment. Also the writer's personality will choose the plan of action essential to further a lifetime career. Freelance writers tend to be more independent, more risk taking, perhaps well informed of ability, as the employed writer likes the assurance a regular pay check brings, is partial to the motivation of a deadline, and feels convenient with that.

Whether the writer is utilized or freelances, honest self-examination will start a sense of connecting with others, can make her or him relate more to others. Self-examination provides in regards to a clearer knowledge of how readers will react to the written word. This extroversion expands the writer's knowledge, knowing of others, and makes the writing greater and therefore an improved writer.

Another plus for the writer is that self-examination clarifies all areas of writing from the mechanics to the essence or spirit of the writing. Syntax, punctuation, spelling, and format are more important because the text improves. Because the text improves so does the focus on the attitude become greater and the writer grows comprehensive and profundity. This growth could be seen in the writing of the fantastic authors, poets, playwrights, and lyricists

On another hand self-indulgence confuses because belief that certain is here and is sufficient will be the convictions of the tolerant and the non-judgmental. Self-examination requires judgment and decision while self-indulgence depends on lenience and indecision. The self-indulgent usually do not place restrictions and limits on themselves, but accept mediocrity as adequate.

Self-examination fosters excellence; self-indulgence promotes mediocrity.