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The Practice of Writing

Posted on January 20, 2023 by Franklyn Helfinstine

What should be practiced? If one is to become a successful writer the other must be in a position to practice good grammar. To be able to practice good grammar, a writer got to know the guidelines of good grammar and for that reason must study the guidelines of good grammar. Most editors reject quickly those writers who have no idea how exactly to construct an effective sentence with at the very least a topic and predicate.

Besides understanding of a straightforward sentence, a writer must use compound sentences, complex sentences, and compound-complex sentences. To be able to perfect the opportunity to use these sentences, one must practice their use until it becomes second nature.

Once a writer--through practice--has mastered the sentence then it's time to focus on the paragraph. Again, composing a unified, effective paragraph requires practice in order that it has unity, coherence, rhythm and acceptable syntax.

English syntax can only just be learned by practice, specially the practice of reading. A "wannabe" writer should be a reader--one who reads voraciously and eclectically in order that good syntax should come naturally. However, this reading should be done studiously with knowing of the writer's style and composition, because syntax may be the manner in which one puts what together. Now the writer must practice and develop their own design of syntax.

This brings us to another practice: the usage of the dictionary and thesaurus--not the dictionary and thesaurus which are found with most word processors. Although they're helpful, they're much less beneficial as a whole and unabridged dictionary or thesaurus. In case a writer depends completely on the dictionary and thesaurus found with most word processors, one's writing will undoubtedly be filled with mistakes.

Finally, however, not minimal, is punctuation. Although most punctuation is really a personal preference, there still are basic rules that needs to be learned and practiced.

In all case of grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, and syntax, the writer got to know the guidelines before he breaks them. Moreover, the only method to become experienced in their use is by continual practice.

Once the fundamentals are acquired, then your writer can check out writing fiction or non-fiction in poetry, articles, essays, short stories, etc., again practicing until you have create a personal voice or style.